Introducing...The Boathouse Tournament of Champions

The Boathouse Tournament of Champions is a 2-day Championship Event for National qualifying teams held each year in Central Florida to rank and declare a National Team Champion in each age division. 

When we at MonkeyUpTournaments acquired the Lacrosse Tournament of Champions, our first thought was, ”how can we get Boathouse involved?” Having been a customer for over ten years, we knew Boathouse would be a perfect fit because they treat all their customers as partners. Who better to have with us at our event than the one company who works with lacrosse teams throughout the US. We are lucky and proud to have Boathouse as the naming sponsor for this National event and are looking forward to a great adventure.

Boathouse has provided uniforms and apparel to our programs for over a decade. In this time our respect for the integrity of the company has continue to grow. From the sales reps, to the accounting department and down to the folks who pack and send our products, it has always been clear that Boathouse has pride in their products. The decision to partner with Boathouse for the Lacrosse National Championship was keeping with our goal to provide only the best to our participants. In addition, Boathouse is also providing great incentives and prizes for participants in our event such as:

  • Winning teams will receive custom sublimated Championship shirts from Boathouse
  • Media coverage
  • Special discounts on Boathouse Lacrosse Uniforms.

We are excited to have Boathouse as our partner and sponsor for the Lacrosse Tournament of Champions because we share the same ideals on providing the very best product for our customers. 

*All participating teams must earn a bid from one of the Qualifying Events held during the year. Non-qualifying teams are not eligible to participate. Some events will award 2 bid per age division, depending on the size of the tournament. 

Written by Leigh Schlumper, Development Director of the Boathouse Tournament of Champions